Effet domino by Ingrid Ingrid

Effet Domino by Ingrid Ingrid on the Place des Festivals, LUMINO, 2018-2019

Production type
  • Installation
  • Video projection
Installation date
December 11th, 2018
Make the most of the Montreal winter with effet domino, a Luminothérapie event! Domino effect, from Ingrid Ingrid, is a fun and entertaining experience that brings people together and fosters a spirit of cooperation.

Related project(s)


The interactive installation consists of 120 giant dominos distributed across several stations. The public is invited to play with them, creating an infinite variety of musical and luminous effects in the process.

Topple the dominos in a long cascade and enjoy the results as the domino orchestra plays a unique musical work in an illuminated rainbow of pastel hues! Every set features a different sound profile (vocals, percussion, marimba, balafon or flute), and every domino has its own sound. You can even play DJ by “scratching” a domino by spinning it at different speeds or drumming on it with your fingers.

Join forces with other players to set up the dominos faster and trigger the next cascade, or nudge them in the opposite direction to reverse the sound sequence. The installation is rounded out by an architectural projection on UQAM’s Pavillon Président-Kennedy, created by Nouvelle Administration. The projection borrows from the installation’s colourful hues and pairs them with graphics that reference the world of dominos.

With its vintage tropical colours, the interactive and collaborative effet domino experience makes for a positive, invigorating outing to help you thumb your nose at the winter gloom!



Signed by Nouvelle Administration

The installation is rounded out by an architectural projection on UQAM’s Pavillon Président-Kennedy, created by Nouvelle administration. It combines graphical codes and visual tricks referencing dominos. Space, sound and colour are central to this exploration in which sounds trigger chain reactions and novel dispersal patterns of the dominos.

The projection’s graphical world is a visual transposition of the music, inspired by the sounds of the domino stations. The vibrant hues and dynamic animations contrast with the whiteness of winter, while the black dot, a reference to classic dominos, attaches itself to the images.


Creative intention

“Nearly all of us of have had the pleasure of toppling over a long line of dominos! We decided to use that simple, fun and universal pastime to bring passers-by together and foster a spirit of cooperation. We hope that participants will join forces to set the dominos back up and explore the different soundscapes the dominos create whenever they are handled or knocked over. For effet domino, we wanted to use bright tropical colours and fun, flashy patterns and sounds to give the installation and video a really playful feel and help people forget the winter gloom.”

– Geneviève Levasseur, Creative Director, Ingrid Ingrid


Technical features

Effet domino at a glance:

  • 12 modules of 10 dominos, for a total of 120 dominos
  • Size of one domino: 390 mm x 775 mm x 80 mm
  • Weight of one domino: 7 lbs
  • Material: plastic. Dominos are designed to be as light as possible while remaining durable to allow for optimal handling. Dominos have a pivot so that they can fall over or remain standing up.
  • Hauteur : 5 pieds de haut, des pattes jusqu’au haut du domino.




  • Creative director: Geneviève Levasseur
  • Interactive experience designer: Katherine Melançon
  • Architecture designer: Enrique Enriquez
  • Lighting designer: Lightfactor Inc.
  • Sound designer: Myriam Bleau
  • Technology designer: Les Productions Version 10
  • Industrial designer: Dix au carré
  • Fabrication : Solufab, Rotoplast and Nordesco
  • Production : Quartier des Spectacles Partnership


Ingrid Ingrid warmly thanks :

Mathieu Arseneau, Pierre-Luc Avoine, Marc Bélanger, Renaud Blais, Yves Bossé, Stéphane Bouchard, Perrine Bral, Michaelson Britt, Claude Caron, Eric Cloutier, Nadège Domergue, Alexandre Gautreau, Bernard Juneau, Simon Lepage, Pascal Martel, Vincent Martel, Vincent Paquette, Carmen Mélanie Pépin, Gilles Pinsonnault, Marie-Ève Rheault, Pauline Schwab, Pascale Tétrault, Audrey-Anne Whittom and Anyck Daniel Wilford.



  • Project Creator + Created Director : Ingrid Ingrid
  • Artistic direction + design + illustration: Nouvelle Administration
  • Motion: Andréanne Dumont
  • Sound designer: Myriam Bleau

A production of Quartier des Spectacles Partnership




ngrid Ingrid is a Montreal-based design studio that creates and develops innovative interactive experiences at the crossroads of art and technology. Its playful creations, not confined to walls or screens, show special sensitivity to content. Ingrid Ingrid shakes up old ways of thinking; it experiments with, studies and reinvents our relationships with the things around us.

More information: ingrid-ingrid.com



Enrique Enriquez

Enrique studied art and architecture in Mexico, the U.S., Canada and Italy and holds a master’s degree in Urban Management and Architectural Design from Domus Academy in Milan. He has collaborated on numerous artistic, architectural and urban development projects. In 2012, he was part of the Migrating Landscapes exhibition, which represented Canada at the Venice Biennale of Architecture.



In 2000, Alexandre received his diploma in Lighting from the National Theatre School of Canada. He then joined Cirque du Soleil as assistant to the lighting designer. He worked on several productions, both on tour and at a resident show in Las Vegas. In 2007, he began putting his stage and show lighting skills to work for museum and architectural projects. Since founding LightFactor in 2011, he has carried out several major projects, including the Rio Tinto Planetarium permanent exhibition, the “Napoleon and Paris” exhibition at the Canadian Museum of History, a number of exhibitions at McCord Museum and BAnQ, as well as architectural lighting for the Biodôme migration project, the Maisonneuve Public Library, the ALT-Griffintown hotel awning and several projects for Groupe Nordik.

More information: lightfactor.ca


Myriam Bleau

Myriam studied jazz and electric guitar and earned a master’s degree in electroacoustic music from Université de Montréal. For over two years, she has travelled the globe (Europe, the Middle East and Asia) presenting her interactive musical performances. In 2015, her orchestra performance of interactive musical tops, Soft Revolvers, earned her an honourable mention from the Ars Electronica international interactivity awards in Austria.

More information: myriambleau.com



Electronic production: V10

Industrial design: Dix2

Graphic design and animation: Nouvelle administration

Geneviève Levasseur

Culturally vibrant
