Echoes - A voice from uncharted waters by Mathias Gmachl
Echoes - A voice from uncharted waters by Mathias Gmachl on the Place des Festivals, LUMINO 12th edition, 2021-2022
- Installation
Related project(s)
It asks us to consider the impact of our everyday activities on nature and the environment, making us more aware of their fragility. Interacting respectfully with the marine mammal’s vital space takes us into an enigmatic melodic world. But when you get too close, a sound calls out to you. Can you perceive the line you must not cross to protect the whale? The installation is a meditation on our harmful invasions of Earth’s ecosystems.
Creative intention
"With Echoes - a voice from uncharted waters, I want to provide an open space - a platform - for the public to have conversations about the future of our planet. Not just about whales, but of all life that exists. The need to create room to learn, and dream, of a better future feels more pressing than ever. The installation is my small contribution towards a larger shift in the narratives and actions needed"
Mathias Gmachl, the creator of Echoes - a voice from uncharted waters
Design and production : Mathias Gmachl
Special thanks : Jana Winderen, Roosa Tulvio, James Fox, Jon Wozencroft and James Solly
A co-production of the Partenariat Quartier des Spectacles, the MuseumsQuartier Wien (Vienne, Autriche) and the LAC Lugano Arte e Cultura (Lugano, Suisse)
Mathias Gmachl is an artist, designer and researcher. He hosts physical and digital places for the creation of contemporary myth: stories to live your life by. Mathias is internationally recognised for the design and fabrication of pioneering experiences and environments that radically rethink our future.
Technical Features
The whale is made of steel, it weighs 5 tons and is 17 meters long.
Mathias Gmachl